UT Foundation Scholarship Opportunity

We are now accepting applications for UT Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Program incoming academic year 2023-2024

Must be the top graduate high school students with leadership potential as per certified extra-curricular activities;
Must be an incoming freshman, admitted to the University by passing the UPCA, open to all University of the Philippines campus;
Student enrolled in Doctor of Medicine Must be 4th year in standing at the time of application;
Must have obtained a general weighted average of at least "2.5" with no grade of "5.0" or unremoved "4.0" or "Inc." in the semester immediately preceding the application;
Must not be a recipient of any scholarship grant;
Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant;
Must be financially needy, parents' annual gross income must not exceed P500,000.00; and
Must not have been held liable in any disciplinary action prior to the admission.

Monthly Stipend: Php4,000.00
Book Allowance: Php4,000.00
DEADLINE of Applications: August 30, 2023
1. Read the Scholarship Primer  (bit.ly/ScholarshipPrimerAY23-24) for scholarship openings, qualifications, and benefits.
2. Fill out the application form at bit.ly/UPScholarshipApplicationAY23-24.
3. OSG will notify accepted applicants via e-mail.

1. Before answering the form, please prepare the necessary documents (Proof of income [ITR 2022, affidavit of source of income INDICATE THE AMOUNT], Form 5 (LATEST, NOT REQUIRED FOR INCOMING FRESHMEN), TCG [REQUIRED FOR INCOMING 2ND YEAR STUDENTS ONWARDS], etc.) required by the scholarship you are applying for.
2. Please use a valid e-mail address when you answer the form. We will use this to contact you.
For other questions and concerns, kindly message our page or send us an email at osgscholarship.upd@up.edu.ph